XSEED has just sent out a reminder about their line-up of upcoming releases. One of those upcoming games is The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II. The second entry in the Cold Steel series will be available for PS4 next week, on June 4th. This new version of the game will contain features that haven’t been included before in prior console releases. Such as, the dual language option where you can choose between either the English, or the Japanese voice track. The physical Relentless Edition will cost you $49.99 and for a digital copy, it will only be $39.99. Also, I hope our oprainfall readers are looking forward to the site’s review. I’m currently still playing through it and that review will be coming soon.

Jenae R
Jenae is an RPG enthusiast who also enjoys cats, humidity-free warm weather, Dean Koontz books, Riichi Mahjong and a select handful of non RPG series and games. Two of her all-time favorite games are the original Shadow Hearts and Final Fantasy IX. She loves to ramble on about her numerous gaming opinions and is fortunate enough to be able to do it here at oprainfall.
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