Title Angel, Devil, Elf and Me!
Developer Norn / Miel
Publisher Cherry Kiss Games
Release Date November 7th, 2018
Genre Nukige
Platform Windows via Steam
Age Rating Adult Only
Official Website

I found myself once again wrapped up in the world of Nukige! Cherry Kiss Games’ new release of Angel, Devil, Elf and Me! caught my attention and I had to check it out. What caught my attention, you ask? The dark elf. You put a cute dark elf on the cover of something and this ole boy is more than likely going to check it out. Let’s see if the dark elf is as cute as I thought she’d be.

The story follows Ayumu Shindou. He lives alone since his parents are overseas working. He is sort of a NEET it seems since he doesn’t belong to clubs and is kinda lazy. He reads lots of fantasy novels and wishes for those events to happen to him in real life. Suddenly three busty women burst through his roof and you can guess these are the elf, demon and angel. The three are fighting over his essence since he is the descendant of a great hero that once stopped a war between Heaven and Hell. He impresses the trio by jumping in between them to stop the fighting. They then decide to have a contest to see which can be the best wife for him. This turns out to be one sexy contest, I gotta tell ya!

Angel, Devil, Elf and Me | Cover
And thus began the waifu wars!

I found all three of the ladies to be fantastic. The angel’s name is Elysia, and she is pretty much exactly what you would expect an angel to be. She is very caring and so sweet she’d give you diabetes in about two seconds flat. She takes it as a personal challenge to make Ayumu happy, and he seems pretty ecstatic about this. Then again who wouldn’t be, right?

Angel, Devil, Elf and Me | Elysia
I’m sure the mess was exactly what was on his mind!

The succubus is called Rizabel, and she is a virgin. Before you say it, yes this has happened before in anime. The anime Overlord has one named Albedo, after all. She is very straightforward in her lust for Ayumu’s essence and will extract it by whatever means she sees fit. The best part is, as forward as she appears, she is also kinda shy. I wouldn’t go so far as to call her a tsundere but pretty close. The writing in the game really helped bring out her personality in this and that really shone through during the H scenes. This added a lot of value here to me.

Angel, Devil, Elf and Me | Fluid
Like this could’ve been anything else!

The dark elf Queen Hilda is the last member of Ayumu’s newly formed harem. She is very timid and shy when it comes to matters of sex. She is very strong-willed though and determined to get some essence for her people. She was indeed my favorite of the three as I expected from the start for a couple reasons. Her facial expressions are pure gold. That embarrassed but very cute demeanor she has only adds to her greatness. The other reason is it’s really hard to find H games with elves where they are not being abused. I know some folks like that, but it’s not my cup of tea and its good to see something like this for a change of pace.

Angel, Devil, Elf and Me | Hilda
The elf is just plain cute!

I thought the art style here was great. Their outfits were very well designed and just like with Master of the Harem Guild, the team once again did a great job with their facial expressions. The lip syncing however was a bit odd, especially close up. You can turn this off in the options menu if you choose to do so. The alien invader Lucina has a wonderful design as well. I really wish she had played a bigger role here since she was a more modest-chested gal. This is my one beef with the genre; all the girls tend to just be huge. I’m not saying go full ironing board here, but there has to be some middle ground. Otherwise you end up like Winged Cloud where no one can tell one game from the next. If you use girls of different body types in your game it will stand out more. This will also broaden your appeal with folks that like different types of gals as well. Least you can check her out in greater detail in the sprite viewer that unlocks post game.

Angel, Devil, Elf and Me | Lucina
Only plot here. No justice for cute aliens!

The music here is all a pretty standard affair. There’s nothing here that is offensive but nothing I can say that really stands out either. The sound effects here are also pretty basic, and are exactly what you would expect to find in an eroge. The voice acting is all done in Japanese and is top notch. Those girls sound super erotic, like pretty much all the time, and it fits with the theme here nicely.

While Angel, Devil, Elf and Me! is pretty short, clocking in at about three hours, I have to say I enjoyed my time with it. The story is very basic, but the girls make it really interesting and fun to read. The character designs are top notch and the H scenes have some great writing. There are mosaics here which is kinda a bummer, since I think this game would be much better without them. Hopefully Cherry Kiss can convince the developers to allow them to remove this; it would improve the quality greatly. I have to say for its low price of $11.99, if you’re a fan of this genre you’ll find a lot to love here. It doesn’t go out of its way to be different, but it does what you would expect and does it well.

Review Score


Game provided by the publisher for review.

Steve Baltimore
Steve started with oprainfall not long after the campaign moved from the IGN forums to Facebook. Ever since, he has been fighting to give all non-mainstream RPGs a fair voice. As the site admin, he will continue to do this and even show there is value in what some would deem "pure ecchi." He loves niche games and anime more than anything... well, except maybe Neptune.