The Nintendo Switch port of cult RPG Undertale launches in Japan on September 15th, 2018. With that launch comes a special Collector’s Edition courtesy of publisher Fangame Japan. The CE includes a bevy of goodies including a 24-page booklet, a 2-disc soundtrack, commentary by creator Toby Fox, a 14 carat gold coated music box pendant, and bookmark (random one out of six) and cloth (random one out of three).

Undertale‘s Japanese release will come in three tiers of release. The aforementioned Collector’s Edition will cost a premium 9,504 yen, while the regular physical version and digital eShop version (published by Hachinoyon) will run you 4,320 yen and 1,620 yen respectively. The standard retail version will also include the 24-page booklet from the premium collector’s edition.
Only Japan has a release date for Undertale on Switch so far, with details for North America and Europe to come soon.
UNDERTALE will release on Switch in Japan on 9/15!
Details for other regions are coming soon!!! Yeah!!!
— tobyfox (@tobyfox) August 1, 2018