At the “Plus Ultra Fuji TV Anime Lineup Presentation 2018,” Fuji TV announced a new project for the Psycho-Pass franchise. The project includes three anime films which focus on different characters in the series. The film project is titled Psycho-Pass Sinners of the System or Psycho-Pass SS.
You can check out the reveal trailer below.
The first film is titled “Case.1 Tsumi to Bachi” (Crime and Punishment) and will focus on Mika Shimotsuki and Nobuchika Ginoza.
The second film is titled “Case.2 First Guardian” and will focus on Tomomi Masaoka and Teppei Sugo.
The third film is titled “Case.3 Onshuu no Kanata ni” (On the Other Side of Love and Hate), and features Shinya Kōgami.
Psycho-Pass has already had two TV anime seasons as well as an anime film. The first anime premiered in 2012 and ran for 22 episodes. The second season premiered in 2014 and ran for 12 episodes. The anime film premiered in Japan in January 2015. The series is also licensed for home video release in North America by Funimation.
It has also inspired several different adaptations including the Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness video game and several manga.
The first film in the three-part film project is set to premiere in January 2019.
SOURCES: Mantan Web, ANN