The PlayStation Vita might not have the been the most successful game system ever, but it has a very loyal following of fans as well as a ton of games, some of them still exclusives to the system. Sandeep Rai (also known as 2 Old 4 Gaming on Twitter & YouTube) is currently working on a new book, PS Vita Year 1, which looks back at the Vita’s launch and some of the games which came out during its first year. The game retrospectives included will cover Gravity Rush, Escape Plan, Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified, Motorstorm RC, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Persona 4 Golden, LittleBigPlanet Vita, Sound Shapes, FIFA Football & FIFA 13, and finally, Need for Speed: Most Wanted.
Sandeep Rai and his editors, Michael Rupprecht and Adam Cartwright are merely three of the PS Vita’s many fans. They love the PS Vita handheld system and are hoping for support to get this book put out into the world. The main Kickstarter goal is $1,390 and the deadline is March 24th. It’s been made clear that this book will only be funded should it reach that goal in time. The backer rewards include varying copies of the book as well as having your name featured in the book.To get a digital copy you’ll need to pledge £2 (about $2.78) and you’ll also receive your name in the book. For £4 (about $6) you’ll receive your very own physical copy. The stretch goals if reached, will go towards adding additional game retrospectives. £2,000 adds one more and £3,000 will get a second additional retrospective added.
Go check out the Kickstarter right here if you’re interested.