Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, perhaps the most unexpected video game crossover of all time, has finally launched on Nintendo Switch. The strategy RPG brings together the denizens of the Mushroom Kingdom and the party animal Rabbids together to take on a kingdom besieged by evil rogue bunnies. While the game received a mixed reception in an unfortunate leak this past spring, the game received a heap of praise since its official E3 revealed. The combination of Mario and Rabbids works surprisingly well and the SRPG action, a undeserved genre on consoles, has won over game critics as well. Check out a few of the accolades in the launch trailer below.

Andrew Mathieu
My name is Andrew Mathieu. I'm a college student and I work part-time in my home state of Connecticut. I'm working towards being a writing and host three blogs on Wordpress about animation, comic books, and video games. I hope to one day be able to write comic books and voice my opinions about my favorite fields of entertainment.
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