Summer Games Done Quick is still just under two months away but if you’re a speedrunning fan you won’t have to wait that long to get your speed gaming fix. RPG Limit Break will be coming to a Twitch stream near you in less than a week!

RPG Limit Break is a speedrunning marathon focusing on RPG’s specifically. While not an official Games Done Quick event, it is orginized by many of the same people involved in GDQ’s past and present. This marathons charity of choice is the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

The event will be starting this Saturday and be running until the 19th on their Twitch page. You can check out the schedule here. And if you are skeptical about how interesting RPG speedruns can be consider checking it out anyway, you might be surprised just how compelling they can be.


Aaron Evangelisti
Aaron is a lifelong video games enthusiast who's been playing since the days of the NES. He enjoys just about all types of games from RPGs, to platformers, to strategy. He also fancies himself a bit of a writer so writing about video games makes sense, right?