The beloved anime shoujo series Cardcaptor Sakura is making a comeback beginning this September in the sequel series, billed as Clear Card Arc. A new promotional trailer uploaded by series creators CLAMP promises the return of fan-favorite characters Sakura, Li, and Tomoyo.

A direct follow-up to the end of the original series, Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Prologue: Sakura and the Two Bears will release in Japan on DVD on September 13th in a special edition bundled with the limited edition of the 3rd “Clear Card Arc” manga volume. A TV anime adaptation of the new manga will premier on NHK in 2018.

From a production standpoint, Madhouse will once again provide the animation duties, while CLAMP’s Nanase Ohkawa will write. Kunihiko Hamada, who directed the animation for previous Cardcaptor Sakura series’, will handle character designs in Clear Card Arc. The original voice cast will reunite to reprise their roles from 1998.

Cardcaptor Sakura told the story of a young girl named Sakura who was tasked with sealing away magical cards to prevent a catastrophic event from unfolding. North American fans of a certain age will remember Cardcaptor Sakura best in its highly-edited dub from 2000 known as Cardcaptors, one which aired episodes out-of-order, replaced the original score, and altered character motivations. As rectification, the series has been released uncut by Geneon and later NIS America and is currently streaming on Crunchyroll for anyone who wants to relive the magical Shojo adventures.

Alex Irish
When he's not writing about games, Alex Irish is an illustrator and animation expert. His favorite gaming franchise is Pokémon, full-stop, but his favorite game of all time is Resident Evil 4. He attended the first-ever IGN House Party and is a five-time attendee of the Ottowa International Animation Festival.