Even before the Nintendo Switch was officially announced, Square-Enix hinted at the Dragon Quest series coming to the system. With X and XI already confirmed, it was revealed during the Switch Presentation that Dragon Quest Heroes I & II, originally released separately on the Playstation family of systems, is on the way as well. A newly released gameplay trailer shows the game in action, including famous character spotlights and four-player cooperative play with each player being able to play on their individual Switch device. While the games will be available at launch in Japan, the release date in North America and Europe is still to be determined. Check out the gameplay trailer below.
Andrew Mathieu
My name is Andrew Mathieu. I'm a college student and I work part-time in my home state of Connecticut. I'm working towards being a writing and host three blogs on Wordpress about animation, comic books, and video games. I hope to one day be able to write comic books and voice my opinions about my favorite fields of entertainment.
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