The creator of the Higurahsi series, Ryukishi07 is working on a new manga series. He will be working with Yukari Higa on Renai Harem Game Shūryō no Oshirase ga Kuru Koro ni (The Love Harem Game’s End When the Notice Comes). Ryukishi07 will work on the writing while Higa will be working on the drawing. The manga will be serialized in Monthly Shonen Sirius magazine and will be released on November 26. The plot is about a boy who is told that he was going to have a harem at his school. But, things will not be peaceful since his potential love interests will begin a “bloody battle”.
Walter P
Plays too much, but still has too many games to finish. Will play any type of game and will watch anything, so is of course not good at being productive. Loves anything crazy.
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