Today the final evolutions of Pokémon Sun and Moon’s Starters have been revealed! Rowlet, Litten and Popplio are named Decidueye, Incineroar and Primarina. Some new Pokémon have also been revealed. Cosmog is a very rare psychic type Pokémon, Alolan Persian is a dark Pokémon, and we were also told about three guardian deity Pokémon. Tapu Lele is a psychic/fairy Pokémon, Tapu Bulu a grass/fairy pokémon, and Tapu/Fini a water/fairy pokémon. All guardian deities can use a powerful Z move, Guardian of Alola, that deals damage equivalent to 75% of the Pokémon’s target HP,while the guardian deity is sheltered. As you certainly noticed, Pokémon Sun and Moon seems to to give an important part to dual types Pokémon. Here are a few screenshots of the new Pokémon.

It seems that while Alola does not have a Pokémon League, one is in construction and may be available after completing challenges on the main island. It also appears that, somewhere in the Battle Tree, this is a place where trainers who have completed the game challenge each other, or can even team up. You could meet Trainers Red and Blue from Kanto Region. Finally , here is a new video about those Pokémon.