Originally an adult visual novel, the anime version of Yosuga no Sora aired in 2010, will be making its way to a deluxe Blu-ray release this September in Japan.
The deluxe box includes:
- 12-episodes on 4 Blu-ray discs
- Soundtrack
- Audio Drama CD
Additionally, Takashi Hashimoto will be returning to provide artwork for the packaging.
Crunchyroll details the series:
After losing both of their parents in an accident, Haruka and his twin sister Sora move out of the city to the rural town where they spent their childhood summers. In their new home, everything seems peaceful until Haruka discovers a special, forbidden love that may disrupt the entire town!
Yosuga no Sora is available to stream on Crunchyroll services. No word on the Blu-ray release in the West.