Beyblade began as a manga in Japan in 1999 and the rest could be considered history. When the toy franchise was released in the early 2000’s, It took the Western youth by storm. In the game, users would take a “Launcher” to spin their Beyblade at the opponet’s Beyblade. Causing one to crash and declaring the victor. Exciting, we know.
Now, it seems fans have waited long enough for a proper Beyblade “Olympics”. Thus, a petition has been made to create one.
The petition’s description reads:
It’s 2016. How can there be 36 genders, but no Olympic Beyblade.
The petition is currently sitting at over 1,700 signatures and wants to reach 5,000.
One of the top comments on the page reads [caution: descriptive language]:
Ever since I was a young cub, I have loved beyblade. I would sleep, breathe and eat beyblade. Literally, I had to see doctors constantly. Watching Beyblade hentai, and battling with enemies at school was my favourite thing to do as a kid. I think there should be Beyblade tournaments so CUNTS LIKE JEREMY FROM GRADE 3 COULD GET FUCKED BY MY WING PEGASIS AGAIN. I really hope this does become an olympic sport in the future.
Would you like to see a Beyblade Olympics? Let us know in the comments below.