Nintendo announced at their Treehouse event today that the sequel to Box Boy doubly named Box Box Boy will be coming out at the end of this month on the 3DS eshop. The game features a cast of different boxes trying to save the world by growing boxes out of their bodies. These square chains can be used to make bridges, hook onto ledges, and other crazy stuff. The sequel allows you to make two sets of box contraptions for more brainteasers. As an added bonus, the original game will be going on sale close to its doubled up partner’s release. The first game was an absolute joy to play and I can’t wait until June 30th to try try again.
Leif Conti-Groome
Leif Conti-Groome is a writer/playwright/video game journalist whose work has appeared on websites such as NextGen Player, Video Game Geek and DriveinTales. His poem Ritual won the 2015 Broadside Contest organized by the Bear Review. While he grew up playing titles such as Final Fantasy VI and Super Double Dragon, he doesn’t really have a preference for genre these days except for Country; that’s a game genre right? Leif’s attention has been more focused on the burgeoning communities of niche Japanese titles, eSports and speedruns. He currently resides in Toronto, Canada and makes a living as a copywriter.
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