Developer Studio Wildcard announced today at the E3 PC Gaming Show that their dinosaur-survival sim, Ark: Survival Evolved is set to further expand with additional features, as well as new biomes and official mods at some point later this year. The screenshot above shows the redwood biome, with structures built high above the ground in the trees. Pterodactyls and grapple hooks can be handy for getting around here.
A new dinosaur will also be coming to the game, known as the Titanosaur. It will be the largest dino in the game. The Titanosaur is so large in fact, that you can build fortifications on its back and use him to assault enemy fortifications.

More mods will be added into the game in an official capacity as well. This includes Primitive Plus, a mod that adds some additional role-playing-style features to the game. This includes things like player-run store fronts and deeper trading systems. This mod will be added to official servers in July.
Another mod being added officially, is Primal Survival by Egyptian developer, Instinct Games. This one lets you step into the shoes any of the animals in the game to survive, breed, and compete with the other inhabitants of the island. See the world through the eyes of your chosen animal and see if you have what it takes to live their life. The Primal Survival mod is expected to launch later this year.
All in all, it looks like there’s plenty of new stuff coming to Ark: Survival Evolved over the 2nd half of this year.