For those of you greatly anticipating Yooka-Laylee and closely watching its development, Nintendo World Report and GameXplain have some new off-screen footage of the game’s alpha build in action. They also did an interview with a couple of the developers, covering various topics such as the creation of the sound and music for the game.
Watching the new footage, the world of Yooka-Laylee really comes to life through its vibrant colors, character animations, and detailed textures. This combined with the music and sound effects really takes you back to the days of the games that inspired Yooka-Laylee in the first place (games like Banjo Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64). Check out Nintendo World Report’s footage below to see for yourself (I recommend watching both videos below in full-screen mode to really see just how good the game looks):
In addition to the nearly five minutes of game footage above, there is another six minutes of off-screen footage of Yooka-Laylee from GameXplain: