UPDATE: Earthbound Beginnings is finally out on the Wii U eShop. The game is available to download at the price of $6.99. While the game costs more than most NES Virtual Console games, it is only two dollars more to play a previously unreleased game for the first time. Go to the eShop today and purchase it.
Attention all Mother fans. Attention all Mother fans. Shigesato Itoi, the father of the Mother series, made a surprising announcement prior to the Nintendo World Championships by revealing Earthbound Beginnings for the Wii U eShop during the Nintendo World Championship Pre-Show. The game is what is known in Japan as Mother 1. It is being released on the Wii U Virtual Console. The 1989 Famicom Role Playing Game is translated fully into English. It is supposed to be out at 6 pm PST today for all to download and enjoy on their consoles for the first time outside of Japan. I highly recommend buying it to let Nintendo know there is an interest in the Mother Series and to see the origins of the series. This could someday lead to the announcement of Mother 3 for international release. No crying until the end.

You can watch the official trailer below:
Do you plan to buy the game when it is released on the Nintendo eShop tonight? Share us your thoughts on this surprising announcement from Nintendo.