Nintendo Life recently scored an exclusive interview with Playtonic, the makers of Yooka-Laylee. Considering the hype that’s surrounding this game, we thought you’d like to hear what the developers had to say. You can watch the full interview below, but first let’s go through some highlights.
According to Gavin Price, former Rare employee and Managing Director and Creative Lead at Playtonic, “Having a studio that went back to making games like we used to at Rare back during the N64 days is something I’ve wanted to do for a good four or five years. It was just about waiting for the right pieces of the puzzle to come together.”
They talk about team size, why they’re using the Unite Engine and the camaraderie amongst the developers. Price also talks about why they decided to go to Kickstarter for funding rather than go to a publisher, saying “it enables creators such as ourselves to retain full creative control and ownership of IP rights, which especially important for us.”
They even talked about being interested in getting Yooka-Laylee a physical release. You can check out the full interview here:
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