The upcoming Boss Pack DLC for Hyrule Warriors has a hidden character you can unlock. This DLC pack came out today in Japan, but people in other areas have a bit more waiting to do. It launches on March 12 in North America. This news comes to the world courtesy of Bukininn, who appears to be the first player to post news of this via Nintendo’s Miiverse. They are also the player who posted the video footage shown near the bottom of this article.
The hidden character can be unlocked by getting an A-rank on one of the new challenges added in the Boss Pack. So, who is this mysterious hidden character coming to Hyrule Warriors? No, it is definitely not Beast Ganon. You can play as him in the new Ganon’s Fury mode that is part of this DLC pack, though. So, who could it possibly be? Groose? Nope. One of the bosses, like maybe Argorok? Nope. Nabooru? Nope.

Why is there a picture of a cucco here, you ask? There’s no way that would be the hidden playable character in the Boss Pack DLC. Surely I’m just pulling your chain, right? However, that cucco isn’t just any cucco. It’s a very angry, giant cucco! We all know that you should never anger the cuccos of Hyrule, but that must go doubly or triply for a giant cucco! So I dub him, the Cucco King. “But this photo could be faked,” I hear you saying. Fortunately, there is more to show you. There is also some actual gameplay footage showing the player-controlled, enraged giant cucco in action.
This footage shows the giant cucco unleashing his fury upon the battlefield. You can see just how large he really is, and you definitely don’t want to tick off a cucco of his stature! It might be the last thing you ever do, considering that he is one colossal cucco! I wasn’t kidding when I said this character wasn’t exactly something you’d expect. There is little doubt that crushing your foes as a giant, enraged cucco will be fun and quite amusing.
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