Fans of real-time strategy games may have been looking forward to There Came an Echo, from Iridium Studios. The title was announced in 2013 and had a successful Kickstarter campaign in March of that year and features voice acting from Wil Wheaton and Ashly Burch. The ambitious title was delayed, but is coming out on this Tuesday, February 24 on PC, with Xbox One and PS4 releases coming later this year.
The surprising news is that, according to the game’s developer over at NeoGAF, There Came an Echo will be made available for FREE for 48 hours from the release date to any user of the popular games forum that asks for a code in the thread linked below.
It certainly is a bold move that will get the voice command-enabled title some attention, but it also might anger fans of the game that gave their money over two years ago to see this PC game published.
Head on over to the post to see more details and, if you give the game a try, let us know in the comments.