Kantai Collection | logo

Kantai Collection | logo

How many of you are currently watching Kantai Collection? It is an anime that is currently airing that features ships based on ones used during World War II but personified as girls. It originally started off as a browser game and got popular very quickly. As of right now, there are about 2.5 million registered users in Japan. The game got so popular that they made an anime that we are currently watching and commenting on every week during the podcast.

For those of you who want some pizza while you watch these women in action, Pizza Hut will be having some sort of collaboration with the series at least in Japan. No specific details have been announced but we have artwork of some of the characters holding and eating Pizza Hut pizza.

Kantai Collection | Pizza

Who wants to take a guess as to what Pizza Hut has in store for these young women? Check out Kantai Collection as it streams on Crunchyroll.


Justin Guillou
Justin joined Operation Rainfall to share his passion and knowledge for some of the more obscure video games out there.