Danchigai, a four-panel comedy manga by Kazusa Yoneda, is getting an anime TV series from director Hiroshi Kumura. Kumura previously directed Recorder and Randsell and Hamatora. The manga, which has been published since August 2011, stars the Nakano family, consisting of four sisters and a brother: Mutsuki, Yayoi, Uzuki, Satsuki, and Haruka respectively. The family lives in a “apartment complex town” or “danchigai” is Japanese. No release information is currently available.
Andrew Mathieu
My name is Andrew Mathieu. I'm a college student and I work part-time in my home state of Connecticut. I'm working towards being a writing and host three blogs on Wordpress about animation, comic books, and video games. I hope to one day be able to write comic books and voice my opinions about my favorite fields of entertainment.
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