The Hyrule Warriors Boss Pack has been dated to launch in North America on March 12th. We also have some details about what the new DLC pack will include. As some of you may have guessed, one of the new game modes this DLC will add is a Boss Challenge mode. Not the most surprising, considering it is called the “Boss Pack”, after all, and Ocarina of Time 3D did have a Boss Rush mode. The second new game mode is called Ganon’s Fury, and allows you to play as Beast Ganon as he unleashs his terrible wrath upon the battlefield and all who are unlucky or foolish enough to be standing in your way (except maybe Link, he always wins you know).

Like the previous DLC packs that have come out for Hyrule Warriors, this one will be accompanied by a free patch that will also make some improvements to the game. The 1.6 patch will once again increase the maximum warrior level (so it will probably be 250), while also adding new mixtures for you to make in the apothecary. Challenge mode will be extended and new challenge scenarios will be added. It will also add a score recording function of some sort. The 1.6 patch will also add some new medals and fix a bug that caused slower loading since the last update. The Boss Pack and its accompanying patch are due out this week in Japan, but will not be out here in North America until March 12th.

Of course, those of you who got the Hero of Hyrule pack (the season pass) are probably aware that this is the last DLC pack that is part of that deal. This could obviously mean that this will be the final DLC pack for Hyrule Warriors. On the other hand, they could decide to do more DLC in future updates. I would guess that this will be the last DLC, since Hyrule Warriors already has more DLC than any other Wii U title by far, but only time will tell for sure. Either way, the Hyrule Warriors Boss Pack is shaping up to be a pretty nice update.