Yes, it has finally happened. The pre-order bonus costume packs for Hyrule Warriors have finally been made available on the Wii U eShop. They are also priced pretty nicely at 99 cents a pack. These DLC packs had originally caused a bit of controversy in the community, due to being retailer exclusive (meaning that, at the time, you couldn’t get them all if you wanted to). All of these packs are now available on the Wii U eShop, including the Demon King Costume Set. If you’re in Europe or Japan, they’ve been available on the Wii U eShop a bit longer, but in North America they just became available a couple days ago.
Of the four DLC packs that came out alongside the launch of Hyrule Warriors, three were retailer exclusive. Getting them all at the time would’ve involved buying three copies of the game, which would be rather crazy. The three packs were the Ocarina of Time Costumes Set, Twilight Princess Costumes Set, and Skyward Sword Costumes Set for both Link and Zelda. Below are the Twilight Princess costumes, which you obtained by pre-ordering Hyrule Warriors from Amazon.com.
The second pre-order bonus pack was the Skyward Sword Costumes Set. The Skyloft era costumes were your reward if you pre-ordered the game from Best Buy.
Lastly, the third and final retailer exclusive pre-order bonus was the Ocarina of Time Costumes Set. These were your incentive to pre-order the game from Gamestop.
There was a fourth costume pack available when Hyrule Warriors launched back in late September. The Demon King Costumes Set gave Ganondorf two new costumes. These costumes were not retailer exclusive, though. To get them, you just had to register your copy of the game on Club Nintendo to get a download code for this costume pack. As you can see below, this pack added Twilight Era Ganondorf, and Hero of Time Era Ganondorf. It’s too bad it doesn’t have Demise from Skyward Sword too!

It took awhile, but these four costume packs are finally available on the Wii U eShop. This is great news if you’re one of those fans who wants to get them all. At 99 cents each, they are quite cheap. If you pre-ordered Hyrule Warriors, you probably already have one of the pre-order costume sets and the Demon King Costumes Set. In that case, you would only need to get two of them to have them all. So, for just under two dollars, you can get the two packs you are missing. Even if you’re missing more of them, it’s still not a bad deal by any means.
So if you wanted some of the other costume sets for Hyrule Warriors, you can finally hop on the Wii U eShop and grab them!
…Why are you still here? Go grab them!