oprainfall is proud to present our annual lists of Most Anticipated Games. Unlike previous years, we will be spreading out our lists over multiple days this year as we move closer to 2015. Today, we have Review Manager Josh Speer.
It’s that time of year again, gaming fans! When we stop working, settle down at the dinner table, and dream about those great games coming out after the holiday season! Here at oprainfall, we love to dream about upcoming games, and the 2015 season has given us a lot to be excited about. Not for just one or two consoles, but all of them. This particular year also marks the first time I am super hyped about PC gaming, thanks to my brand spanking new laptop. My list is less Nintendo-centric than my last, but that doesn’t stop it from being diverse, eclectic and (I hope) interesting. In alphabetical order, here is my Top 5 Most Anticipated games of 2015, plus a few honorable mentions at the end.
Josh’s Top 5 Most Anticipated Games
Mario Maker
There were a lot of great games showcased at Nintendo’s E3 Treehouse Event, but what had me utterly captivated, more than Splatoon, Xenoblade Chronicles X or Code Name S.T.E.A.M., was Mario Maker. I was glued to my computer screen watching the Nintendo reps build insane and diabolical looking levels using various tools. I’ve always loved the idea of making my own content in video games, and discounting the cancelled Mega Man Universe game, Mario is the series I would most enjoy making my own levels for. The fact that you can stylize the levels to fit many classic Mario series games, such as SMB3 and Super Mario World, is just icing on the cake. If this game has great level sharing online, it will be my most played Wii U game after Smash Bros. and Bayonetta 2. I cannot wait to do Miyamoto-san proud.
Mighty No. 9
I’m sure this next game being on my list is no surprise to many of you. I am an unashamedly huge Mega Man nerd, love Inafune’s style and was fortunate enough to be part of the initial PAX crowd who he revealed his vision to a couple years ago. Though I am less fond of some of the after-the-fact campaigning Keiji has done for the project (do we REALLY need a Mighty No. 9 cartoon?), I am still very much looking forward to the game. Having played the Beta, I am chomping at the bit for the final version, no matter what console I end up playing it on. The best thing about the game, besides being a spiritual successor to Mega Man, is that all stripes of console owners can enjoy the new game. I have very high expectations for the game, especially after the success of Shovel Knight, but have little concern that Inafune-san will deliver.
Resident Evil Revelations 2
This next one might come as a surprise if you don’t know me that well. While I am a bit of a horror wimp, I am nevertheless inexplicably drawn to the genre, like a moth to the flame, especially with regard to the Resident Evil series. When I say that, I am talking about the classic Resident Evil formula, which the original Revelations so admirably adhered to. While I have yet to beat Resident Evil Revelations (remember I said I’m a wimp?), that doesn’t stop me from admiring the looks of the sequel. Plus, since I now have a laptop that can game, I won’t miss out on the sequel! Now if only it wasn’t being made in an episodic format, I could be even MORE excited… Regardless, here’s hoping second time is the charm!
Viking Squad
This next one might be a surprise if you didn’t read my exploits from 2014 PAX. When I attended the Seattle Indie’s Expo, I got the chance to play a lot of great games and talk with their developers. Probably one of my favorite hits was Viking Squad. Imagine a classic Final Fight formula, but instead of beating up crooks and ninjas, you are a bunch of vikings fighting nordic monsters. It played pretty darn well at PAX, and I am very much looking forward to what the final build is like. Now I just have to cross my fingers it gets a Steam version so I can play it for myself…

Yoshi’s Wooly World
I would be remiss if my favorite dino steed didn’t make the cut! I am a gigantic Yoshi fan, and have been ever since he got his own adventure in Yoshi’s Island. He’s just so adorable, he’s impossible to dislike. More importantly, I main him in Smash, so anytime a new Yoshi game comes on my radar, I pay attention. While the latest adventure was a disappointment, Yoshi’s Wooly World looks amazing. I am in love with the yarn art style, and think it looks like a game with lots of hidden secrets to uncover. Better yet, it’s by the same crew who made Kirby’s Epic Yarn, which I also rather enjoyed, despite the simplistic difficulty. If Wooly World can learn from the mistakes made in Epic Yarn, I have no doubt it will have a coveted spot in my Wii U collection.
Honorable Mention
The following games are worth a quick mention, but for various reasons didn’t make the cutting room floor. I’ll keep it short and sweet with three great looking games!
- Devil’s Third
I might not be all that familiar with Itagaki’s body of work, but I do always perk up when I see Mature rated games come to Nintendo consoles, especially when they are exclusives like Devil’s Third. After all, I loved Mad World on my Wii and Bayonetta 2 on my Wii U. However, without knowing more about the game, I didn’t feel comfortable putting it on my Top 5 list. Regardless, I look forward to seeing how edgy and dark this game can be.
- Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
This next game almost made the list, but Yoshi won out (barely). More than anything, I just feel like Rainbow Curse has been done before, since it strongly resembles Kirby: Canvas Curse. Which isn’t to say it’s a bad thing, but when compared to Wooly World, it just didn’t catch my interest as much. That said, it is a game I am really looking forward to, and hope it is as fun as it looks.
- Xenoblade Chronicles X
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Xenoblade Chronicles X. Hell, I’m pretty sure there’s a bylaw or two that says I HAVE to love anything with Xenoblade in the name. And I admit, I am strongly looking forward to Xenoblade Chronicles X. It looks beautiful, expansive and creative. But since I have yet to beat the original Xenoblade Chronicles, it’s hard to get as excited about the game as some of the rest of the staff. That said, the game looks incredible, and I hope it’s as big a success as its predecessor.