Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD has arrived on PS Vita, according to a post on the PlayStation Blog (it has been available on PlayStation 3 for quite a while already). This news was posted by Wil Bunce-Edwards (community manager for developer Oddworld Inhabitants). The game is available now in the PlayStation Store on PS Vita, though it is only available in English.
Wil also mentions that they are still working hard on PlayStation 3 and PS Vita versions of Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty. Meanwhile, PC owners are still waiting for their turn to get Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD, which is set to come out sometime after work has finished on Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty.
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee was originally released for the original Xbox on November 6th, 2001. For the developers, it was their first foray into the realm of 3D video games. The game’s story takes place after the events of Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee and is the third game in the series. It was originally going to be released on the PlayStation 2, but instead it ended up being an Xbox launch title.
The story in Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee starts out with the capture of a Gabbit named Munch. Gabbits are a somewhat frog-like species, who have been commercially fished almost to the point of extinction. The eggs of the Gabbits are made into a delicacy called “Gabbiar”, and their lungs are used as replacements for the Glukkons’.

Munch was out using his echolocation to call out for other Gabbits, when he heard the sound of another Gabbit call and investigated. Unfortunately, Munch falls into an animal trap that is mimicking a Gabbit call. Taken by two Vykkers, Munch soon finds himself in their hovering fortress, Vykkers Labs. A sonar device is implanted in Munch’s head, which makes it possible for him to escape the labs with the help of the fuzzles (furry yet vicious creatures).
This is where our friend Abe from the previous Oddworld games comes in. Abe is a Mudoken who, at the command of the Almighty Raisin (a large seed-like creature who is very old and also wise), sets out to save Munch. The two meet up shortly after and return to talk to the Almighty Raisin, who gives them more information. Thus begins a new adventure for the new pair of alien friends. The game ultimately has two possible endings, depending on the player’s actions during the game.
Whether you have fond memories of the original game or have never played it, you might want to check out Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD on PS Vita now. The game is also available on PlayStation 3.