Producer Masaaki Yamagiwa of Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio posted on the PlayStation Blog today, revealing a few new tidbits about the upcoming title, Bloodborne. These new tidbits are welcome in light of the game’s recent delay. On top of this, there is only a short wait until we get some more info at PlayStation Experience on December 6th and 7th.
Now, on to the new Bloodborne news that was revealed today. First of all, the existence of Gyula was revealed. He is a hardened, veteran hunter. They say he has tremendous skill, but he has not been seen in years, ever since he ventured into the old part of the city of Yharnam. Today’s PlayStation Blog post hints that if you venture into the old part of the city, you might just run into him.

As you may know, Bloodborne already has a bunch of weapons, but today a new one was also revealed. It is the transforming cane. In its standard form, it is used as a short-range melee weapon to beat up foes. Many of Bloodborne’s weapons can transform, and this one is no different. It can become a lethal heavy or long-range weapon, turning it into a devastating bladed whip.
There is still one more new thing that was revealed today. It is an expansive, multi-level network of ruins that stretch out beneath the city. These catacombs seem to be older than the city of Yharnam itself, and crafted by something that is not human. The blog post also mentions that these tunnels look different for each person who braves their depths. What this means isn’t clear for now, but the blog post hints that they will talk more about this at their keynote and more in-depth panel presentations at PlayStation Experience on December 6th and 7th.

Some have speculated about these ruins possibly being procedurally generated, however the blog post says nothing about the layout of the catacombs changing. Only their appearance. This sounds like the area may have different skins, and which one is used depends on which character enters their depths. We’ll have to wait for their presentations in early December to find out more.
Bloodborne is a PlayStation 4 exclusive title. The game is slated to release on March 24th, 2015.