The wait for the Wii U release date of Smash Bros. gets closer and closer, and I get more and more frantic. I’m also a bit torn. While on the one hand I desperately want to try out many of the modes unique to the console version of the game, I am sad it will spell the end of Smashing Saturdays as a series. But I resolve to go out with a bang, and implore you all to keep reading week after week until the grand finale! Without further ado, let’s get Smashing!

Monday had this colorful pic to share. In case you haven’t gotten enough Shulk yet, take a gander at every flavor in HD glory! I absolutely love the graphics on the Wii U version, if that wasn’t already painfully apparent.
Not much to say about Tuesday’s screenshot. It just showed an example of the madness that can ensue in the Wii U version of the game. Sure to be hectic, but I never monkeyed around with this feature much in Brawl, so I’m not too excited.
Classic Mode in the Wii U version, on the other hand, I am VERY interested in. I love Classic in the 3DS game, but think this one is far more compelling. Especially after listening to Sakurai describe it in more detail: “Classic mode in the Wii U version is set up like a battle coliseum with multiple fighters teamed up with each other. Move your trophy and join in anywhere you want. You can see faint images of stages on the platform–the number of fighters clustered on those images indicates the number of fighters you’ll face. As you can see, this feature leverages the fact that the game supports multiplayer with up to eight players.” There was also this follow up screen.

“After each battle, the fighters that lost get blown away!! The fighters remaining on the field will once again team up with other fighters on the field. You can actually choose fighters you’ve blown away to join your team in team battles. A rival will always appear in this mode, and the longer that character survives, the stronger it will get.” I am intrigued by the prospect of a rival fighter that constantly ups his or her game. Should keep me playing Classic Mode far longer than is strictly healthy.

And then there is Thursday’s screens, which show how absurd Sakurai can be when he feels like it. I’ll illustrate why with his quotes. First up was this one – “Your finger stinks!!” Which is random, but not as disturbing as the following one…
“It is bitter, yet tasty.” Sometimes I worry about Sakurai…

Now Friday’s screenshot I was super pleased with. I was already happy when Sakurai revealed the return of the Stage Builder in the Smash Bros. Direct previously. But it’s one thing to know it’s back, and another to see it in action! I especially love the creative freedom you have in this version, since you can draw your own platforms on the Gamepad. No longer are we relegated to placing blocks or pre-made platforms. I cannot wait to make tons and tons of levels once the Wii U version comes out!
And that’s it for this week of Smashing Saturdays! Tune in same time and place next week, and hope you all had a Happy Halloween!