As summer continues to roll along, we get into those particularly hot, lazy days that become so prominent this time of year. Everything slows down during this time. Clouds float lazily by, the cicadas chirp in the distance. It’s a very special time that we only see a few weeks out of the year. Some call these the dog days of summer.
Hey! How about a list for the best dogs in gaming? How’s that for a segue?
Video gaming has no shortage of canine companions to assist players in their quests. Whether they’re summoned with magic, lifelong partners that follow the player through thick and thin or random assistants that only appear in certain situations, these faithful pooches are always there when we need them the most. So, let’s give these guys a bit of recognition with our list of the Top 10 Dogs in Gaming, as chosen by the members of oprainfall.
#10 – Repede (Tales of Vesperia)
We start things off with a pretty basic pet/owner relationship. Repede has been Yuri’s dog ever since losing both his father and his previous owner during the events of Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike. It isn’t the happiest childhood story, but Repede is nothing if not a trooper. Of course, though Yuri is now Repede’s owner, the dog still remembers his past. Repede is a sentimental dog, carrying around his trademark pipe in his mouth; a memento from his previous owner. Not only that, but also chains, canes and bracelets – Repede is quite the little packrat. And you don’t necessarily need quick fingers to be a good thief. I’m not really sure how a dog is supposed to effectively get items out of the pockets of his enemies, but I’m not going to complain. Plus, his diminished stature in combat means that many enemies have a harder time hitting him. Always a plus in an action RPG.
#9 – Growlithe and Arcanine (Pokémon)

I simply couldn’t separate these two because, to those Pokémon trainers who included this fiery dog in their teams, Growlithe and Arcanine are one and the same. I personally don’t have much of a history with Growlithe. As I had Pokémon Blue growing up, I was more of a Vulpix kid. However, even I can appreciate the friendly and loyal demeanor of the Growlithe family. Of course, the nature of the Pokémon games mean that the dogs’ personality doesn’t shine through particularly well, but the Pokédex does a good job to describe what a great pet Growlithe would be. They are extremely territorial, and will do everything they can to repel intruders, even against opponents who are bigger than stronger than themselves. Growlithe are also very friendly to humans, and will try their hardest to protect their trainers from any kind of harm. I don’t know about you, but that sure sounds like the ideal dog to me. And, hey, if you believe the entries on Arcanine, you’ll have a great show dog on your hands after it evolves!
#8 – K.K. Slider (Animal Crossing)
While most dogs tend to pretty happy, bouncy and excitable, this does not always have to be the case. Case in point, Totakeke — better known by his stage name, K.K. Slider — is probably just about the most mellow individual you’re going to find during your adventures in Animal Crossing. While you go about the hustle and bustle of the daily life in your town, you can always go to this canine musician on Saturday nights for a little relaxation. He isn’t around nearly as often as the other animals in your town, nor does he fill you with the same kind of rage as the Tom Nooks of the different games. Personally, that’s why I like him so much. Saturday nights are a treat because it’s something to break the routine a bit as you chat with and listen to the performances of one talented dog. Plus, anyone who will play me Totaka’s Song is OK in my book!