During Sony’s E3 conference, a plethora of indie titles were revealed for Sony’s console. Although some have already been released for other consoles, one brand new title was announced to be coming to PlayStation 4 to much fan surprise: Magicka 2!

Paradox’s Magicka 2 is on its way to make a new home on PlayStation 4. It was announced in the form of a wildly humorous trailer staring the red magician from the first title, and his daily grind of looking for work. Thanks to PlayStation and Paradox Interactive’s patnership, the red magician and his colored buddies found some work. The trailer can be found below.
There ya have it folks. Are any of you out there pumped to make some magic with your friends with Magicka 2 on PlayStation 4? Sound of in the comments and stay tuned for more E3 2014 goodness.