We’re almost there. We’ve seen trailers coming at us from all sides, companies releasing lists of what they’ll have there, teases and rumors of what will be announced… But we still must wait one full agonizing day before all is revealed.
Last year, it was all about the tech, with Sony and Microsoft waging an all-out war to vie for consumers. This year, gaming’s Big Three aim to bring more gamers into the fold of the 8th console generation. Along with them, Ubisoft, EA, Konami, and many other companies look to excite and amaze with their upcoming games.
So, as we gear up for gaming’s version of a sports league draft — it’s a better comparison than the Super Bowl since hope always springs eternal at the draft before falling flat on its face later on (just look at the Detroit Lions) — what would you like to see at E3 2014?
David Fernandez, Community Manager
Activision DOESN’T show off a Call of Duty title. (dun dun dun)
Eric Chetkauskas, Editor
Things will be announced, stuff will happen and there will be much rejoicing.
Nathan Stiles, Staff Writer
The big three stands up and says, “Hey! We still have new consoles…. but close to nothing worth playing on them!”
Dalton McClain, Staff Writer
Plot twist: Microsoft won’t have a malfunction this year!
Alright, ya jokahs. What do you think might actually happen at this year’s E3?
Will Whitehurst, Translation Team Leader
-Namco might announce Soul Calibur VI as a Wii U exclusive, and Link could return.
-Atlus or Aksys announces a North American release for Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind (3DS).
-On the MS front, D4 might get a release date.
Azario Lopez, Staff Writer
Maybe a Persona 5 announcement to keep up the Sony exclusives.
Josh Speer, Review Manager
Capcom surprises everyone with new Mega Man reveal (wishful thinking)
Kristian Howard, Reporter
Might get a Star Wars Battlefront release date
Antonin Kořenek, Staff Writer
Nintendo will say they’re bringing Mother 3 to virtual consoles! 😀
I’ll see myself out.
Jeff Neuenschwander, Co-Editing Manager
Microsoft: All-Digital Xbox One, complete with features they wanted in the original version. Harmonix shows off Dance Central One. Sunset Overdrive has none of the charm it had last year.
EA: The reveal of something Facebook related. Next Need For Speed game is shown, complete with an appearance by Aaron Paul to talk about a second Need for Speed film. USA Soccer coach Jurgen Klinsmann might show up to talk up FIFA and promote the World Cup (both the game and the event).
Ubisoft: Trailer for Valiant Hearts: The Great War. Overuse of #hashtags. Dance Party with Just Dance 2015.
Sony: The Last Guardian is revealed for PS4; coming next year. New PS4 peripheral shown for the first time (including Morpheus). Japan Studio games shown off for PS4. New game by Quantic Dream. Trailer of Persona 5. Talk of KH3 and FF15 (I know what SE said; I’m still hopeful for it)
Konami: The next Castlevania will be teased; will look similar to the Lords of Shadow games, but not exactly. Beyond the Labyrinth is localized (I can dream). New Contra game announced. A sequel to MGR: Revengeance teased. Next Silent Hill teased.
Nintendo: First look at what the QOL platform will look like. Dragon Quest localizations announced. Level-5 game localizations revealed. Metroid/Star Fox/Kid Icarus/Fatal Frame announcement (not necessarily all four, but hopefully two of those). New SKU for either 3DS or Wii U. Sonic trailer. Montage of Indies and 3rd party games (possibly in the same montage). Nintendo DS VC games given a release window. GameCube VC talk.

So, what do we think will actually happen this year? Check on the next page.