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Chrono Trigger - Magus

  • 1. Magus defeats 9. Seifer with 77% of the vote

Yeah, I definitely ate some crow on this on. I thought this would be an upset, given how the Final Fantasies were just beating back the competition. Instead, Magus holds his seeding and beats back Seifer by the largest margin for a number-1 seed in Round 2.

  • 5. Blue defeats 4. Ultros with 57% of the vote

Another poor showing for a Final Fantasy character in this bracket. But you can see why it worked out this way. Ultros was more of a comic-relief villain, coming in and spouting off one-liners before going away. Blue was a nuisance through and through and always seemed to be one step ahead of us the entire time.

Mother 3 - Porky Minch

  • 3. Porky Minch defeats 6. Heiss with 56% of the vote

It wasn’t as close as the results would indicate. Porky basically took the lead, then ran like the little prick that he is. Heiss had no idea what he was getting into. No strategy he could conjure would’ve worked on this villain.

  • 2. Mithos Yggdrasill defeats 10. Rubicante with 58% of the vote

While no match-up went down to single-digit votes, this bracket has produced arguably the most balanced battles in the round. Other than Magus, no other villain won by a big margin. Mithos probably could’ve against any other character, but there was just something about Rubicante that kept him in the mix. Also, with this defeat, Final Fantasy has been eradicated from this grouping.

Toriyama Bracket - Round 3 | oprainfall - RPG Villain Tournament


How much annoyance can the top seeds handle? That’s the question going into this round for the Toriyama Bracket. On the one side, you have Magus, a vile character with a dark past, going up against Blue, Red’s annoying neighbor who constantly one-ups you from the very beginning of the game.

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Over on the other side, there is Mithos Yggdrasill, a once kindhearted fellow who became twisted and cruel following the death of his sister. His opponent will be Porky Minch, Ness’s cowardly neighbor who always seems to be a collaborator with nearly every villainous entity he comes across before ultimately becoming the main villain of Mother 3.

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Jeff Neuenschwander
Jeff has been a supporter of the website and campaign since the beginning. Joining in for E3 2012, he worked his way up the ranks quickly, making it to the Editing Manager post at the beginning of 2013. Jeff has a wide variety of tastes when it comes to gaming and pretty much likes anything that is quirky, although his favorite genres are Action, Platforming, and RPG. Outside of gaming, Jeff is a musician, being trained as a trombonist for Jazz and Classical music, and holds a degree in Sound Recording.