Edna was first revealed in a recent issue of Shonen Jump as the newest character from Tales of Zestiria, but now Famitsu has released new screens and new information on this very interesting character.

Edna belongs to the Family of Heaven and can use earth-attribute Heaven Echo Artes. She is a very introverted character partly because she has spent most of her life alone. The only person she shows any emotion to is her brother, who is her only family.
The battle system in Tales of Zestiria will stick close to the other titles using a “Linear Motion Battle System.” Namco Bandai has not released all the details on the new battle mechanics, but have shed some light on the fighting styles of Slay and Alicia.
Slay uses a ceremonial sword he found in the ruins. His fighting style is close to other Tales series sword users like Millia Maxwell of Tales of Xillia and Asbel Lhant of Tales of Graces. He strikes fast and uses swift movements to win battles.
Alicia wields a long spear and is able to attack enemies in front of her as well as enemies around her. She has low defense, but makes up for it with a high evasion rate during battles.
Namco Bandai has always been good at giving each character in the Tales series a unique role in battle so that players of any play-style will find a character that fits their preferences. This new edition to the series looks to be no different.