A special anime adaptation of the two chapter manga known as Mushi-shi, that is being published by Yuki Urushibara, will air in Japan early next year. The anime is titled Mushi-shi Special: Sun Eating Shade, and will run for an hour. Director Hiroshi Nagahama returns to direct, and character designer Yoshihiko Umakoshi is the chief animation director and character designer. Fans can watch the anime on January 4th at 11:30 PM local time on Tokyo MX, Tochigi TV, Gunma TV and BS11.
Musih-shi tells the story of Ginko. Ginko is one of the few people able to see strange, supernatural beings known as Mushi, and takes it upon himself to travel from place to place helping people which the Mushi are troubling.
Source: RollingPirahna via CrunchyRoll