Yesterday, XSEED began to tease us fans yet again, with posting images on their twitter that were hard to distinguish anything, until afterwards one image that was zoomed out much further was posted. Then fans started guessing it was Agate Crosner from the Sora no Kiseki series or Trails in the Sky as localized by XSEED. Of course after some time as passed since the FC’s release back in early 2011, fans were still in disbelief that it could be the elusive SC; but then the announcement came.
While XSEED continuously assured everyone that they were dead set on localizing the trilogy back when FC was announced and when asked in interviews or by fan inquiry they were still at it. The wait is finally over, XSEED has finally announced localization/release date for Trails in the Sky SC for North America via an interview with RPGamer! It will be released digitally on PSN for the PlayStation Portable and for PC in 2014. It will be preceded by a PC release of the prior game this winter.
For anyone who is new to the series, Sora no Kiseki is part of the Legend of Heroes franchise, Nihon Falcom’s other big IP along with the Ys series. It consists of Dragon Slayer, Gagharv Trilogy, and finally Kiseki; which has Sora no Kiseki having three chapters, with Zero & Ao no Kiseki being sequels of the former, and with the newest entry Sen no Kiseki. The game’s are notorious for having large amounts of text, Sora no Kiseki and more recent titles to be exact, being quite larger than textbooks and long running series like Wheel of Time. (Check the image below) So color people shocked when XSEED announced that they would be tackling not just the FC, but all three entries in the Sora no Kiseki series.

So as you can see, if you’re wondering why SC took so long, there’s your reason. FC was big enough as it is, 1.8 million characters, SC is three times the amount with 3.6 – 3.8 million characters. The stories XSEED described when talking about FC were quite comical, but horrifying none the less. So fans, rejoice, and if you were holding out for SC to be released before tackling the series, go forth young Bracer, the time has come.
UPDATE: Here’s the official word from XSEED, ver batim from their Facebook page.
We’re extremely excited to announce that not only will we be publishing our first Trails in the Sky for PC this Winter, but we’ll be bringing its sequel, Trails in the Sky SC, for both PSP and PC digitally in 2014.
You’ve been asking for it, and now it’s happening! Celebrate!
Trails in the Sky Facebook page: