Namco Bandai has released a trailer for the upcoming Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, the PlayStation 3 re-release bundle for the original Tales of Symphonia game and its sequel, ToS: Dawn of the New World. For those who have played these games, every moment in the trailer is a trip down memory lane, even if the character voices are in Japanese.
To get a taste of the HD remaster, it’s recommended that you watch at 720 or 1080 resolution:
From what was shown in the trailer, the high-definition remaster faithfully recreates the memorable charm for both Tales of Symphonia games, but not without some updates. For the first game only, the character models now look less cartoon-y, and are featured by a more realistic style of lighting. However, their animations have become cleaner and more visible to the eye. There will also be new unlockable costumes, like the Luke fon Fabre outfit for Genis, and Guy Cecil outfit for Lloyd, plus more.

In the second game, there aren’t any updates that are too blatant, other than the game having a cleaner resolution. As Dawn of the New World is heavy on the cinematic presentation, the graphical update should make them more pleasing to watch than ever before.
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles for the PlayStation 3 is releasing in Japan on October 10, followed by a planned early 2014 release in Western regions.
Personally, I’m feeling like a kid again.
UPDATE: Some accommodating screenshots for Tales of Symphonia Chronicles are available for your viewing leisure. Courtesy belongs to Gematsu
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles is available for preorder on Amazon: