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Nippon Ichi Software

In an interview with Nippon Ichi Software’s director, Sohei Shinkara, it was clear that the company has their eyes set on the PlayStation 4 for game development. Here is what Mr.Shinkara had to say about the PlayStation 4:

Q: Please tell us your impressions of the PlayStation 4 press conference at E3 this year?

A:  I feel that it came off accepted favourably between Japan and Overseas. As I thought, the platform has charm and premonition for content for Japan.

Q: What are your impressions of the $399 price tag of the PS4?

A: I think it’s wonderful. You get the feeling that they have considered the circumstances of the users rather than the circumstances of the company when pricing it. They have listened to the user’s voice.

Q: What kind of games will are you making for the PS4, please answer freely with no objections.

A: We’re already working on and considering new titles. We have been a bit lost as to what to bring to users first however, we will bring titles that users are welcoming.

Looks like we can expect some news in the near future from Nippon Ichi for games in development and new games in the cards.  Best known for their Disgaea series, we can probably expect more games from the series in the future. What is your opinion or what is on your wishlist from Nippon Ichi?


Jodie Langford
Jodie joined the Oprainfall Staff as a translator during the winter of 2012. If you see an article on the website with an entirely Japanese source, odds are she’s had a hand in bringing the information to you! She enjoys most RPGs, especially Monster Hunter and Pokemon.