Zone of the Enders HD Collection

Early last month, Konami announced that they would be releasing a patch that would supposedly fix a lot of the problems that plagued the Zone of the Enders HD Collection that was released late last year. Today, Konami announced that they will be releasing said patch on July 25th of this year; it is said to fix the performance rate, which was cited as the worst issue about the collection, but nothing else was stated.

Here’s the rundown for those who don’t know. When the HD Collection first came out, fans were disappointed at what they found as problems were very apparent from the get go. The first game worked as intended for the most part, at least through my first-hand experience, with the frame rate being fine for the entire game, with the exception of maybe one freezing glitch. However, the same could not be said about the second game, as it was not only plagued with more bugs and glitches, but it had lost its smooth 60 fps rate in the transition from its original PS2 release to the Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3. For a game that is hailed as one of the best action games ever, with some of the smoothest combat and a pristine fps rate that allows for some of the most engaging fighting at high speeds in any mech game; this is simply unacceptable.

With fans getting quite worried with no word for months from Konami, and getting a day one patch that seemed to do little to nothing, we all just lost hope. Thankfully, that might not be the case with this patch release. I’m crossing my fingers in the hopes we see some major improvements. Sadly for Xbox 360 owners, it is unknown if they too will be getting the patch any time soon, as said before by Kojima and their website specifically, it’s for the PlayStation 3.

David Fernandes
(Community Manager) David is an assistant admin and community manager at oprainfall. He joined the Operation Rainfall Campaign at the beginning, and became one of the staff as the first wave of new volunteers were needed back in mid June. He is an avid video game collector, and lover of most game genres. David spends much of his time in a futile effort in clearing out his ever growing video game backlog.