Any PlayStation Plus users out there? If you’re one of the many reaping the bountiful content Sony rewards you with for being a Plus member, then today just got that much better. During each week Sony updates the PlayStation Network with new titles for the Instant Game Collection (only available to PlayStation Plus members), and this week, PlayStation Vita owners are in for a treat with BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend.
By many, Arc System Works’s third title in the Continuum Shift series is considered the ultimate package. You get everything from a new character and a tweaked, well balanced fighting roster to revamped online multiplayer and an expanded story mode for three of the previous DLC characters. But best of all, it’s now free! Look down below for a trailer full of mayhem and the vibrant anime fighting that BlazBlue is known for.
Now, while you’re downloading BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend via the PlayStation 3 or Vita, I would highly recommend you take advantage of the Plus member discounted price for Capcom’s Darkstalkers Resurrection+Puzzle Fighter 2 bundle (US PlayStation Store only). It’s normally about $15 USD, but it is discounted until June 1. Happy downloading!
If you prefer a physical copy, both the standard and limited editions of the game for multiple systems are currently on sale on Amazon.