Today we are going to meet some new characters from Ragnarok Odyssey Ace, and I advise you to be respectful to them as they look rather scary! The game is not even completed yet, and it is already challenging us with the Lord of Death. Death is a new monster who comes from Niflheimr, a city where souls rest. Never mind his giant lance or the shield that he is carrying – anyone notice that he is on a giant flaming horse? Scary!
Just in case the picture above did not intimidate you enough – have a couple of more.

Niflheimr offers up some other wonderful enemies for us, as well. Deviruchi, cute little things with pitch forks bouncing around the place, try to lure you in with their cuteness.

The next offering I have for you in our wonderful land of eerie monsters are the Mini Demons. These are said to be even stronger than the Deviruchi. Nice, eh?

Below are some more enemies that will be found in the game. I am loving the color choices and artistic style of these enemies, and I hope you enjoy them, too. We start off with Gagap, an enemy that looks willing and able to take a bite out of just about anything.

Next, we have the Soldier Skeletons. I wonder if they fall into little bits when you kill them.

Dark Giants are next on our enemy tour of Ragnarok Odyssey Ace.

Here we have the Dark Giant Chief. Because Dark Giants alone were not enough. Oh, no. They need a chief.

For those of you curious about what this land of Niflheimr looks like, I bring more great news. Today, I have pictures of Niflheimr to show you. At least now we get a glimpse into the land that brings us such beasts as pictured above. It, too, looks eerie, beautiful and deadly. Don’t take my word for it though, the pictures below speak more about the land then I ever could:
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace is currently set for release in Japan on July 11, with a western release planned at a later date.
The original Ragnarok Odyssey is available on Amazon: