Under the benevolence by sales gods and discount angels, Best Buy will be selling two unique Nintendo games that you don’t want to miss: Sin and Punishment: Star Successor and Kirby Mass Attack.
Sin and Punishment Star Successor, for the Nintendo Wii, will be sold for $10. It is a bullet-hell action-shooter developed by the renowned Treasure Games, with collaboration from Nintendo. It is the follow-up title to the N64 classic, Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth, which has been Japan-exclusive until its international release in 2008 for Virtual Console.
The game contains more action and explosions than Michael Bay’s wet-dream. The gameplay is on rails, as you endure through millions of flashy trajectories, and shoot-and-slash your way whilst approaching dangers head on.
For those of you who really want to support niche-Nintendo games: definitely take advantage of this deal, because Sin and Punishment: Star Successor is definitely a Nintendo game like no other.

Moving on, Best Buy will be giving away Kirby Mass Attack on Nintendo DS for $8. Mass Attack is a Kirby game with a twist, as players can guide up to 10 Kirby’s via stylus pad and engage enemies with overwhelming force. It looks as pretty and plays as smooth as its previous installments; it’s got a violent streak and a lot of heart.
The game has a lot of inventive features too, as players must use environments to guide these Kirby’s to safety and solve puzzles. This looks like a solid and inventive iteration in the series. And for 8 dollars, it’s a great deal.

Those of you who own the proper systems to play these games are in serious luck and it is recommended that you give these games a shot. Sin and Punishment: Star Successor is one of my favorite Wii games, and I am personally excited for Kirby Mass Attack, as I’ve never played any Kirby game outside Epic Yarn. If you guys have missed out on either of these games, now is a good time to visit them.