Start stocking up on tissues now, because Freebird Games has just announced a new title: A Bird Story. Telling the story of a young boy and a bird with a broken wing, the game promises to deliver a similar experience to Freebird’s previous game, To the Moon.
To the Moon’s story revolved around two doctors who used a special machine to delve into the minds of their dying clients, altering their memories to make their final wishes come true. Focusing on themes of love, loss and regret, the game told a powerfully emotional story in the few hours it took to complete it.

Whereas To the Moon was heavy on the dialogue, A Bird Story is going to be much more minimalist in its storytelling. The game is going to have little-to-no dialogue, leaving players to interpret the story through actions rather than words. The game will also be shorter than To the Moon, though it seems as though A Bird Story is intended on being a bridge between its predecessor and the next game in the series. “While [To the Moon’s doctors] aren’t in this game […], the boy in [A Bird Story] eventually grows up to become their patient in “episode 2″ of the series.”
Kan Gao, director at Freebird Games, was mindful of how gamers might react to this new direction, and made a statement about the state of the series- “[…] I know that for some who have played To the Moon, there might be certain expectations as to how the “next game” should be. And to be honest, I don’t really know how it’ll be in that regard — meeting certain quota or matching aspects of another game aren’t really things that I want to make them around. However, what I can promise is that I’ll always be making what truly means something to me — and hopefully, to you too. I hope everyone could take them as they come, and enjoy them for their own merits. […].”
A Bird Story currently has a tentative release date of mid-year 2013. Until then, curious gamers can find out more about Freebird Games at their website.