Rainbow Skies

Indie game developer/publisher eastasiasoft and developer SideQuest Studios are no doubt having a good week – their PSN title Rainbow Moon made it into the “Best Indie Game” category in the ongoing PSN Gamers’ Choice Awards. This probably has fans of the game excited enough; but that’s not the only announcement from the duo this week.

The team has just announced that they will be releasing a new game called Rainbow Skies based on the same system Rainbow Moon uses. It won’t be a sequel, despite sharing central aspects of its gameplay with its similarly titled cousin. The CEO of SideQuest studios, Marcus Pukropski, had this to say about Rainbow Skies:

“Built on Rainbow Moon’s system, Rainbow Skies is a completely new game that is set in a new world with new characters and a new story. A lot of feedback has been taken into consideration and we are confident that Rainbow Skies will offer an even deeper and more versatile gameplay experience, while staying absolutely true to its roots. We can’t wait to show more of Rainbow Skies to our fans.”

It sounds like the developers are taking their fans’ opinions to heart as they improve upon the system from their previous title. It’s always good to see that sort of thought going into a game this early on in the process.  Hopefully the upcoming updates on the game’s progress will be encouraging for those who loved Rainbow Moon but saw room for improvement.

Rainbow Moon is a RPG for the PS3 (and soon the Vita as well) that relies on strategy turn-based gameplay. It sounds like Rainbow Skies will be more of the same, but with some new twists like the ability to catch monsters to fight for your team and new dungeon elements. Other new features that were announced include:

– An advanced battle system with new combo attacks

– New treasure-hunt quests and an improved sidequest system

– The ability to enter and explore buildings

– New mini-games

The official website is up and running for those who are curious. It will be a while before we see the final product though. Rainbow Skies has been slated for release on both consoles and handhelds sometime in late 2014.


Angela Hinck
Former Contributor: Content Manager- Situated in sunny Florida, Angela spends plenty of time watching anime and playing video games. RPGs and survival-horror are her go-to genres; but if it's weird or different, she's willing to give a shot. She graduated from the University of Central Florida with a BA in Creative Writing and now puts her skills to good use writing about the nerdier things in life, including news and game reviews for Operation Rainfall.