Project X Zone, the 3DS game that puts the worlds of Namco Bandai, Sega and Capcom into a Strategy-RPG, was one of three games announced for North American release as well as for Europe at a recent Namco Bandai press event.
Originally announced last year and released in Japan last October, many American fans were itching to get a hold of it, but a release seemed unlikely due to it’s niche style gameplay. Thankfully, games like Pokemon Conquest and Fire Emblem have proven that there is demand for Strategy-RPGs. And yes, people really do want to play them.
Also announced was One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2, the sequel to the Shonen Jump fighter One Piece: Pirate Warriors, will be released as a PlayStation Network exclusive this summer.
The third game announced is Tekken Card Tournament. Little is known about the game but the player will be able to use actual collectible trading cards that we can expect to get our hands on later this spring.
And finally, Namco Bandai also teased an announcement for February 4. We’ll bring you more details on that as soon as they become available.