Square Enix releases another trailer for Bravely Default, showing more of the game’s turn-based combat system. Also, Square Enix announced the release date for the game’s fourth demo, which will be this Wednesday, titled “Job and Ability Volume” which will be showing solely on the game’s 5 classes: Knight, Red Mage, Mystic Knight, Freelancer and Super Star. It will also include another AR movie featuring Ringabell will be included as well.

David Fernandes
(Community Manager) David is an assistant admin and community manager at oprainfall. He joined the Operation Rainfall Campaign at the beginning, and became one of the staff as the first wave of new volunteers were needed back in mid June. He is an avid video game collector, and lover of most game genres. David spends much of his time in a futile effort in clearing out his ever growing video game backlog.
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