For the next couple of weeks, niche game lovers have a few games to look forward to. First on the list is for tomorrow:

Record of Agarest War 2
Developer: Idea Factory and Red Entertainment
Release Date: June 26th in North America (July 7th for Europe)
Platform: PS3
Price: $49.99 SE, $59.99 LE
Purchase now at Gamestop or Amazon and you can choose either a standard edition, or Limited Edition with a hand towel, an artbook and an…erm…blowup doll! Just the perfect thing every otaku needs!
Next on the list is an unusual blend of Final Fantasy and Rhythm gaming madness:
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
Developer: indieszero/Square Enix
Release Date: July 3rd in North America (July 6th for Europe)
Platform: 3DS
Price: $39.99
For all those in need of a Nobuo Uematsu fix, this may just do the trick.
Last but not least, we have another game coming to steal our money and put our rhythm skills to the test:
Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure
Developer: Xeen/Sega
Release Date: July 10th in North America (available now in Europe)
Platform: 3DS
Price: $29.99
Those who think they might be rhythm’ed out should still take a look at Rhythm Thief, which has been getting good reviews in Europe.