A couple of days ago, Capcom announced an HD re-master of fan favourite Okami for the PS3, simply titled, Okami HD. Now, you can get an idea about the changes in the HD version with the first trailer.

The trailer showcases some gameplay and story scenes as well as a dramatic comparison between the original PS2 version and the updated PS3 version. Also highlighted is the inclusion of Playstation Move support, as well as the addition of 51 trophies. Okami‘s art-style works wonderfully in HD, appearing bright and crystal clear. You can view the trailer below.


Okami HD is set for a fall release on the North American Playstation Network, and will cost $19.99.


Buy the original Okami for the Wii, from Amazon!

Devin Kotani
Devin is a Canadian, and as such, plays hockey (no he doesn’t) and drinks maple syrup (not really) while riding a wild moose (he’s never seen a moose). When he’s not perpetuating cultural stereotypes, he’s playing videogames, which has been, on occasion, very bad for his mental health, problems with which have plagued him for years. Now, at 20, he’s getting his mental health issues under control, and he’s trying to decide what to do with his life. He’s currently debating between journalism and trying his hand at the dramatic arts.