7. Resident Evil 4
BAM!! Didn’t see that coming did ya? Yes, Resident Evil 4, the one game that has topped many a ‘Top 10’ list, stalls at our number 7. By no means do we think it isn’t very good, it’s just that our contributors are a bit weird and think they’re hipsters by voting differently to the norm. As you should all know by now — and if you don’t then you need to check yourself — Resident Evil 4 was a turning point for the series. It changed how we would play a Resident Evil game. New camera, controls and a new type of ‘evil’ rejuvenated the survival horror series and we agree it was for the better. After the disappointing 5th game, let’s hope Resident Evil 6 is just as good, if not better, then these previously mentioned GameCube outings.

6. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Did you know that Path of Radiance is the first home console Fire Emblem game to be released in North America, Europe and Australia? What… you did know? Oh. Anyway, we love this game so much that it would be insane not to include it in our Top 10. It makes it even more better that the follow up sequel, Radiant Dawn, was released on the Wii, which tied the stories of both games together amazingly well. If you’ve never played an FE game before, and you like a bit of strategy, then you owe it to yourself to play this game. *Crosses fingers for a third instalment on the Wii U*

5. Tales of Symphonia
Well, it couldn’t be an Operation Rainfall Top 10 without a fully fledged JPRG appearing, can it? So at No. 5, we have Namco’s epic adventure Tales of Symphonia — a tale of one man/boy and his companions on a quest to save the world from all its wrong doings. Okay, so it might not have the most original story, and the English voice acting is a little bit vomit inducing, but it’s got a captivating art style and combat system which can support up to 4 players. That alone separates itself from many other JRPGs.
Is it better than Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance? Personally, no, but I was overruled and I am far too mature to hold a grudge against my fellow staff members… *cough*

Go to Page 3 to find out what made 4th, 3rd and 2nd. Will you be surprised?