We just opened up our forums! We have boards for the three campaign games, niche games, and all other games. We also have an off topic board.  So come join us, we would love to talk about our passion, video games with all of you!

Also, after you get your hands on the game, make sure to stop on by especially if you get stuck. There will be staff on hand to help people out.

So who wants to talk about Xenoblade? I cannot be the only one excited here!

Join here: https://operationrainfall.com/forums/index.php

or click the community tab on the top of the page for the forums link.

Ryan Tyner
Ryan is an owner and manager of the oprainfall website, mostly managing changes needed for the website and maintenance. He also writes articles from time-to-time. His gaming interests include mostly RPGs; both Western and Japanese. Ryan has a graduate degree in psychology.