I agree with Tyson that the Wii U and the “Nintendo Network” is the perfect platform for releasing “niche” titles like The Last Story that might otherwise not get localized due to costs.
I am all for digital distribution of console video games. It is extremely popular on the PC, and if done correctly, if can be successful on consoles as well. Tyson makes some great points on how digital distribution can lower the cost of games. The current problem is that games being offered on PSN and XBOX Live are being sold at retail price. Lower the price of digital games by $10 or even $20 dollars and only the most dedicated collectors will be looking for retail copies. I’m not saying that this is realistically going to happen anytime soon. As long as there is a larger market for retail, digital games and retail games will cost the same.
Mike D., Editor for The Nintendo Enthusiast, former Operation Rainfall PR Staff
I agree that the Wii U could be a fantastic venue for Nintendo to release their more niche titles, but I’m not sure if digital distribution is the place we should look. The U will be fully backwards compatible with Wii games, but not GameCube discs; therefore, I imagine we’ll see digital distribution of GC games, but not Wii games (which, for most, will be easy to find used at cheap prices). So where does that leave The Last Story?
Pondering a North American release for “The Last Story” – Part 1
Pondering a North American release for “The Last Story” – Part 2
Pondering a North American release for “The Last Story” – Part 4